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(image for) Abdoulaye’s Story (West Africa) (Prayercast)

Abdoulaye’s Story (West Africa) (Prayercast)

from toothache to eternal life Muslims have studied Islam in the ancient city of Tombouctou, Mali for hundreds of years. But there is nowhere God cannot reach. As we pray for cities like Tombouctou, think about each person that walks through the...
(image for) Abu Sayyaf (Prayercast)

Abu Sayyaf (Prayercast)

They may be small but they are mighty. Mighty violent. They are Abu Sayyaf. One of the smallest and most violent jihadist groups, based in southern Philippines. Notorious for— kidnappings for ransomhigh-profile bombingsBurning of...
(image for) Abu-Waleed’s Story (North Africa) (Prayercast)

Abu-Waleed’s Story (North Africa) (Prayercast)

can anyone answer my questions? Millions of Muslims live in North Africa, and God is touching their hearts. He died for every one of them. So when we pray for them, remember that each one is loved by God and in need of a Savior. Like "Abu-Waleed."...
(image for) Abusive Leadership

Abusive Leadership

Preventing abuse and misuse of power in Christian ministry When leaders feel threatened that their power and authority may be taken away from them due to changes in circumstances, they could become controlling towards those they work with. This...
(image for) Access to Theological Education: Goals, Aims, and Challenges

Access to Theological Education: Goals, Aims, and Challenges

Dr Richard Pratt, President of Third Millennium Ministries, delivers remarks on ‘Access to Theological Education: Goals, Aims, and Challenges’ during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education, held at Gordon-Conwell...
(image for) Activate Local Generosity: Transform Your Fundraising through Support Development

Activate Local Generosity: Transform Your Fundraising through Support Development

Activate Local Generosity: Transform Your Fundraising through Support Development with Kehinde Ojo Discover how reframing fundraising as “support development” can unlock new possibilities and foster true collaboration with Kehinde Ojo, IFES...
(image for) Acts Guide the Art of Asking Good Questions (OC)

Acts Guide the Art of Asking Good Questions (OC)

Let the Book of Acts Guide You in Learning the Art of Asking Good Questions One of the best ways to learn about the church and what God is doing in a country is to ask good questions. Pondering all this, it occurred to the author that the Book of...
(image for) AD 2000 & Beyond Movement Handbook

AD 2000 & Beyond Movement Handbook

·Type: Documents ·Date: 14 September 1999 ·Authors: Unknown ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Historical Review Documents ·Pages: 84 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Topic :: Strategy...
(image for) AD 2000 Archive CD-ROM - All Contents

AD 2000 Archive CD-ROM - All Contents

·Type: Multiple Type Collections ·Date: Various but before April 2001 ·Authors: Various ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: AD2000 Archive CD-ROM Complete ·Note: Very large file (328...
(image for) AD 2000 Light the Window CD - All Contents

AD 2000 Light the Window CD - All Contents

·Type: Multiple Type Collections ·Date: Various but before April 2001 ·Authors: Various ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: AD2000 Light the Window Complete ·Note: Very large file (482...
(image for) AD2-Announce: International Students Ministry Track

AD2-Announce: International Students Ministry Track

·Type: Documents ·Date: 9 September 1999 ·Authors: Luis Bush, Bob Norsworthy ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Track Reports ·Pages: 3 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Topic ::...
(image for) AD2-Announce: Message Release: Strategic Mobilization Task Force

AD2-Announce: Message Release: Strategic Mobilization Task Force

·Type: Documents ·Date: 14 September 1999 ·Authors: Eric Watt, Luis Bush ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Track Reports ·Pages: 2 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Topic :: Strategy...
(image for) AD2000 and Beyond Movement US Support Committee Briefing

AD2000 and Beyond Movement US Support Committee Briefing

·Type: Presentations ·Date: 26 May 2000 ·Authors: Dan Scribner ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Harvest Information System ·Slides: 34 ·Categories: Topic :: Strategy Partners ::...
(image for) AD2000 and Beyond Overview (Basic)

AD2000 and Beyond Overview (Basic)

·Type: Presentations ·Date: 13 February 1999 ·Authors: Luis Bush ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Historical Review Documents ·Slides: 26 ·Categories: Topic :: Strategy Topic ::...
(image for) AD2000 and Beyond Overview (Detailed)

AD2000 and Beyond Overview (Detailed)

·Type: Presentations ·Date: 13 February 1999 ·Authors: Luis Bush ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Historical Review Documents ·Slides: 60 ·Categories: Topic :: Strategy Topic ::...


·Type: Documents ·Date: 16 February 1996 ·Authors: Valentin Gonzalez ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Track Reports ·Pages: 1 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Country :: United States...
(image for) AD2000 Interactive Task Force Retrospective Review

AD2000 Interactive Task Force Retrospective Review

·Type: Documents ·Date: 27 April 2000 ·Authors: Pete Holzmann ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Track Reports ·Pages: 3 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Topic :: Strategy Partners ::...


·Type: Documents ·Date: 10 March 1999 ·Authors: Unknown ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Track Reports ·Pages: 1 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Topic :: Strategy Partners :: AD2000...
(image for) AD2000 Where Are We? Luis Bush Notes

AD2000 Where Are We? Luis Bush Notes

·Type: Documents ·Date: 19 May 2000 ·Authors: Luis Bush ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Historical Review Documents ·Pages: 2 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Topic :: Strategy Topic...
(image for) Adapting to Global Demographic Shifts: Engaging and Empowering the Next Generation in the Great Commission

Adapting to Global Demographic Shifts: Engaging and Empowering the Next Generation in the Great Commission

Adapting to Global Demographic Shifts: Engaging and Empowering the Next Generation in the Great Commission with Pearl Ganta & Matthew Niermann Through her work in media, filmmaking, and with the Apnao Foundation, Pearl sheds light on how these...
(image for) Addressing Poverty with Participatory Learning

Addressing Poverty with Participatory Learning

When we talk about poverty, we need to do so with reference to wealth and examine it in its relationship to wealth. Poverty and wealth are directly correlated for those that interact socio-economically within the same context. People would love to...
(image for) Advent Family Devotional 2024

Advent Family Devotional 2024

Journey with Jesus Together this Christmas This Christmas, Let Us Walk Together in Faith and Mission As we approach Christmas, imagine what it would look like if individuals, families and churches across the globe embarked on the Advent journey...
(image for) AFAR (Prayercast)

AFAR (Prayercast)

nomadic herders of East Africa  Around 3 million Afar peoples live in the Horn of Africa – primarily Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. Their region crosses the borders of these three countries and is sometimes referred to as the Afar...
(image for) Afghanistan


For a more detailed listing click here Ahmad Shah DURRANI unified the Pashtun tribes and founded Afghanistan in 1747. The country served as a buffer between the British and Russian Empires until it won independence from notional British control in...
(image for) Afghanistan (Joshua Project)

Afghanistan (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Unreached  Population: 42,135,000  % Literacy: 43.00  Primary Religion: Islam  Professing Christian: 0.02  % Evangelical: 0.01  Official Language: Pashto,...
(image for) Afghanistan (Operation World)

Afghanistan (Operation World)

Largest Religion: Muslim  Number People Groups: 77  Number Languages: 41  Official Language: Pashtu (used by 50% of population), Dari (Afghan Persian, used by 70%) For more information go to Afghanistan on the Operation...
(image for) Afghanistan (Prayercast)

Afghanistan (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Islamic Republic  Major People Groups: Southern Pathan, Afghan Tajik, Southern Uzbek, Hazara, Pathan  GDP Per Capita: $2,000  Literacy Rate: 37.30%  Unreached:...
(image for) Afghanistan (World Factbook website)

Afghanistan (World Factbook website)

Area: 652,230  Population: 36,643,815 July 2020 est.  Life Expectancy: 52.80  Net migration rate: -0.10 2020 est.  GDP (real growth rate): 2.70 2017 est.  Internet Users: 4,717,013 For more...
(image for) Afghanistan (WorldBank)

Afghanistan (WorldBank)

NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator. COMMUNICATION2021  22,678,024  Mobile cellular subscriptions2020  18  Individuals using the...
(image for) Afghanistan flag

Afghanistan flag

·Type: Images ·Collection: World Factbook country flags ·Small size: 108 x 54 px ·Large size: 604 x 302 px ·Categories: Country :: Afghanistan Collection :: World Factbook country flags Partners :: U.S....
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