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19. From Ministry to Marketplace: A Journey of Faith in Papua New Guinea
From Ministry to Marketplace: A Journey of Faith in Papua New Guinea Barton Maino recounts his journey from being in full-time ministry to being a witness for God in the secular sphere in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

20. Computing Hope for the Deaf Community in Nigeria
Computing Hope for the Deaf Community in Nigeria Wuni Bitrus recounts how after meeting a young Deaf girl in his church, he felt that God was calling him to take action.

20/20: Progress & Challenges in Africa (Missio Nexus)
Over 20 years since Nelson Mandela’s release from prison have brought significant change to Africa. All over the world there is optimism about progress and new opportunity in Africa. At the same time there are still great challenges that must...

2000 Population Density per Square Kilometer
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: Patrick Johnstone, Operation World 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape...

2000 Population Density per Square Mile
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: Patrick Johnstone, Operation World 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape...

2000 World Population
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: Patrick Johnstone, Operation World 2001 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape...

2006 World Population
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: The World Factbook, 2006 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Factbook (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type...

2017 Top Quotes from Missio Nexus
As 2017 comes to a close, we have crafted a year-end Missiographic to help us reflect on many inspiring and thought provoking ideas that have been written about and spoken in the Missio Nexus community over this past year. For more information go to...

2018 By the Numbers (Missio Nexus)
Networks are becoming one of the fastest growing platforms for leaders and practitioners to connect in the global missions community. These networks are leading to the discovery of best practices, new means of sharing information, and cooperative...

2019 Highlights: Year In Review (Missio Nexus)
A year in review: Looking back at the programs, services, and events that have influenced our members this year. For more information go to 2019 Highlights: Year In Review on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

2022 MIW Conference
The purpose of the conference is to accelerate the development of the mission information community. Day 1-1 - WelcomeDay 1-2 Biblical foundations of MIWorkDay 1-3 History of MIWDay 1-4 Panel Discussion & QuestionsDay 1-5 How We Fund Mission...

2022 Observatory of Languages and Resources of Brazil (D4M)
There are several initiatives in the world to allow access to the Word of God for every person on the planet transformed into biblical access and biblical engagement projects. The Brazilian missionary movement, however, lacks data in Portuguese that...

2023 MIW Conference
The 2nd virtual Mission Information Workers Conference to accelerate the development of mission information and the mission information community. Sponsored by the Community of Mission Information Workers (CMIW), Lausanne Research & Strategic...

2024 MIW Conference
Gather Attendee responses and input for future conferencesClosing WordsFrom Data to Engagement and Fruit - Case Study in AfricaReporting Information through MapsAn Unsystematic Theology of Research Publishing and DisseminationWelcome and...

2050 World Population
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: Population Action International, 2005 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape...

21. Ministering to Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Guyana
Ministering to Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Guyana Dr. Joy Maria Wilson shares her how being sexually molested as a young girl led her to minister to and counsel people who are survivors of sexual abuse and incest.

22. Demonstrating Godly Character in the U.S. Air Force
Demonstrating Godly Character in the U.S. Air Force Jerry White recounts how God called him to serve in the United States Air Force and delves into whether and how a Christian should serve in the military.

23. From the Slums of Uganda to Founding a Conglomerate Social Enterprise
From the Slums of Uganda to Founding a Conglomerate Social Enterprise Emmanuel Trinity shares his experience growing up in a slum in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. He remembers how his life was rescued through the gift of the Gospel and recounts...

24. To the Ends of the Earth. Stories from the Church in the Soviet Union
To the Ends of the Earth. Stories from the Church in the Soviet Union Dr. Victor Petrenko shares about his upbringing during the Soviet Union and how, after his father served two and a half years in prison, his family had to flee Belarus for Latvia.

25. Compassion in Action: How Panahgah is Welcoming Afghan Refugees in Brazil
Compassion in Action: How Panahgah is Welcoming Afghan Refugees in Brazil Sophia shares her journey from being a 13-year-old girl with a clear call from God to Panahgah’s efforts in providing support and autonomy to refugee families in Brazil, a...

26. Faith in Practice: A Journey in Family Medicine and Faith
Faith in Practice: A Journey in Family Medicine and Faith Prarthini Selveindran shares how she learned to encounter God by reading the book of nature He Himself created. She also reveals how her passion for amphibians and reptiles — especially...

27. The Complexity of Faith: Jewish Evangelism and the Gospel in Jerusalem
The Complexity of Faith: Jewish Evangelism and the Gospel in Jerusalem Yoel discusses his complex cultural and spiritual journey from growing up in Europe and Israel to becoming an Anglican pri

28. Web3 Revolution: The Church’s New Frontier
Web3 Revolution: The Church’s New Frontier Jianbi (Jay) Chen shares about the significance of digital missions in Web3, including the concepts of blockchain, decentralization, and token-based economies.

29. Witnessing to the World: Faith and Healthcare Intersect
Witnessing to the World: Faith and Healthcare Intersect Gábor narrates personal stories of medical emergencies and miracles, illustrating the powerful intersection of faith and healthcare.

3 Approaches for Bold Witness
Why do so many feel inadequate when it comes to sharing their faith? Archbishop Kwashi and Becky Pippert show that the strongest and most vital evangelism occurs when three approaches are used together: personal evangelism, small group evangelism,...

3 Revolutions Impacting Internet Evangelism (Missio Nexus)
The Internet is impacting every area of life. But how is God using the Internet to reach out to those who are seeking Him? Explore three tech revolutions where Christians are on mission in some very exciting ways. For more information go to 3...

30 Years of Connections: Mapping and Missions (Missio Nexus)
As GMI celebrates its 30th Anniversary, it seems like a good time to take a look at the maps that have defined the mission movement over the past 30 years and how those maps have changed. Take a look at 5 key maps that have framed much of the Global...

30. From Business to Mission: Empowering Leaders for Global Impact
From Business to Mission: Empowering Leaders for Global Impact Jonathan Shibley shares inspiring stories about the journey of faith and missions in the marketplace. Highlighting the work of Global Advance, he explains how investing in marketplace...

31. Manufacturing Faith in the Workplace: The Power of Faithful Leadership in Busines
Manufacturing Faith in the Workplace: The Power of Faithful Leadership in Business Drew emphasizes the importance of ethical business practices, employee welfare, and following God’s calling in everyday life.

32. Transforming Communities: The Power of Sports Ministry
Transforming Communities: The Power of Sports Ministry Wilhelm Cnossen, Regional Coordinator for Athletes in Action Europe and Co-Leader of the Global Church Sport Movement, shares his powerful story. Wilhelm discusses his 20-year journey with...