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World Evangelisation in the 21st Century
Prioritizing the Essential Elements of the Great Commission THE BACKGROUNDTHE SCRIPTURAL FOUNDATIONSTHE PRESENT SITUATIONTHE ASSUMPTIONSTHE OVERVIEWCONCLUSION For more information go to World Evangelisation in the 21st Century on the Lausanne...

Missing Peoples: The Unserved “One-Fourth” World: Especially Buddhists, Hindus & Muslims

Ministering to the Scattered Peoples
People have been on the move from time immemorial. Very few people today live in the same geographical location where their ancestors originated. If we think long and hard we will realize that most of us come from somewhere else, even if it was...

The Partnership of Males and Females in the New Global Equilibrium
Jesus described the kingdom of God as a net “that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish” (Matt. 13:47). Contrasted to individualistic fishing poles, the nets Jesus described required many people working together to bring in the...

Secularity: Dogma Meets Diversity In Europe
According to Greek mythology, Zeus, the chief of the gods, kidnapped Europa, daughter of the king of Phoenicia. He did so by approaching her in the shape of a bull. When she sat upon the bull, it took her to the island of Crete where Zeus revealed...

Global Gospel, Global Era: Christian discipleship and mission in the age of Globalization
“Globalization” is a monumental challenge that represents quite simply the most pressing face of “the world” in our time, as well as the greatest opportunity for mission and the greatest challenge for discipleship the church of Jesus Christ...

Addressing Poverty with Participatory Learning
When we talk about poverty, we need to do so with reference to wealth and examine it in its relationship to wealth. Poverty and wealth are directly correlated for those that interact socio-economically within the same context. People would love to...

Witnessing to Christ in a Secular Culture
This happened during a school conference in the city of Greifswald, Western Pomerania (former GDR). There was a parent representative on the school council who was completely unchurched, and was interested in the cathedral of Greifswald. He knew the...

Reflections on the Hermeneutics and Practice of the Prosperity Gospel
The ‘Prosperity’ or ‘health and wealth gospel’ which has also been referred to as the ‘Name it, claim it’ gospel, or ‘Gospel of greed’ is a rapidly growing emphasis within churches. The key emphasis is focus on material possessions...

Poverty And Wealth
Mission and “signs of the times”Poverty and missionThe faces of povertyPoverty and the EnvironmentTime to Act For more information go to Poverty And Wealth on the Lausanne Movement website. The above link opens in a new tab.

Promise and the Gospel of Well-being
Contours of Poverty Jesus’ striking statement that the poor will always be with us is borne out by the facts. At present, 3 billion people live on less than $2 per day while 1.3 billion get by on less than $1 per day. Seventy percent of those...

Shaping the ‘Hidden’ Curriculum for Engaging Power, Poverty and Wealth in Africa: A Case Study from Scott Theological College, Kenya
‘If you want to destroy a pastor or missionary, send them to a theological school’. Sadly, we have heard people say such things. These kinds of statements operate on the assumption that academic institutions have nothing to do with everyday...

Hope for the Christian Church Through Global Incarnational Partnerships
Biblical Examples of Global PartnershipsContemporary Examples of Global PartnershipsAssets and Challenges for the Development of Global Partnerships For more information go to Hope for the Christian Church Through Global Incarnational Partnerships ...

The Challenge Of Environmental Stewardship
The global environmental crisis is a stark reality that compels us to act. We are threatened with climate change, depletion of land and marine resources, dwindling fresh water reserves, an energy crunch, biodiversity extinction and devastated...

Partnering in the Body of Christ toward a New Global Equilibrium
The mission of God- Pursuing global equilibrium or world evangelization? God’s powerGod’s missionGod’s resources The redemptive purpose of God- Reconciliation as the basis of our partnership The call to reconciliationThe call to “death to...

Bearing Witness to the Love of Christ with People of Other Faiths – Ramsden
Jesus, in preparing his disciples for the trials of this world, told them that difficulty would come. They might have thought that, with God on their side, no suffering would ever befall them. So let us set aside any thoughts we may have about being...

Cooperation in the Body of Christ: Towards a New Equilibrium
“Equilibrium” is a difficult term to use and declare in these times. The inequalities of our world have graphically depicted the profound differences in all levels of society. These have transformed us, organizing us as rich or poor nations,...

Wartime Ministry in Ukraine Part I
In the midst of war, the church in Ukraine is not retreating—it is advancing with the love of Christ. This article shares powerful stories of pastors and ministry leaders who are serving on the front lines, offering spiritual and physical support...

48. Faith on the Front Line: Testimonies from Eastern Ukraine
Vika shares her profound journey of faith, resilience, and ministry in war-torn Eastern Ukraine. Born in Donetsk and later displaced to Western Ukraine, Vika and her family faced immense challenges following the 2022 Russian invasion. Despite losing...

The Korean Mission Movement
History and Lessons of the Korean Church South Korea is widely recognized as one of the most important mission forces in the contemporary period. During the recent Fourth Lausanne Congress, an evening session was devoted to the history of the Korean...

Japa Witnesses
Brain Drain or Migrating Witnesses? Missiological studies is heavily loaded with European and Western vocabulary and languages. This is partly because of the way the history of mission has been written and developed with a focus on mission from the...

Come to the Banquet
Including People with Disabilities in Christian Ministry According to the World Health Organization report,2 people with disabilities represent 15 percent of the world’s population, the majority of whom live in developing countries. Despite their...

Loving Our Global Neighbour
The Church Can Inspire Climate Action in a Changing World God’s love for the needy and vulnerable has inspired Christians throughout history to stand against suffering, persecution, and injustice. From the abolition of slavery in the United...

Urban Poor Development Strategies
A. Shalom House: A Theoretical Model Evolution of sustainabilityDefinition of successLand and HousingCommunity Mortgage ProgramPolitical will and urban planningLivelihoodThe national strategy for poverty alleviationEducationHealthBotika BinhiB....

The Role of Missionaries in the Muslim Countries: Problems and Challenges
Missionaries played and still play an important role in the Muslim countries. They brought technological and social development to the countries that they served. From their early days, they were concerned about economic, educational, health, social...

The Oral Story Bible: A Breakthrough Strategy in Rapid Engagement Among Unreached People Groups
We stand at a unique moment in history! We can look back at the progress of the Gospel and see that the Lord has blessed. At the same time, we’re burdened and challenged by the enormous task facing the global Church today. We’re reminded of the...

Rediscovering the Gospel of Reconciliation
In his book, The Wounded Healer, Henri Nouwen speaks of ministry in a wounded, dislocated world, populated by a rootless generation made up of ‘desperate men’, ministered to by ‘a wounded healer’. In the chapter on ‘Ministry by a Lonely...

Muslim Followers of Jesus?
Can one be a Muslim and a follower of Jesus? Is that an oxymoron? How should Bible-believing Christians evaluate this? For more information go to

Homosexuality and the Church: Why the Church Must Speak Into the Lives of Those Impacted by Homosexuality
Homosexuality is a Worldwide, Cross-cultural IssueWhy Should the Church Care about the Issue of Homosexuality?Christianity Does Not Prevent HomosexualityMinistering to Those Struggling Within the ChurchWhy Homosexuality is More Than Just Sinful...

God’s Work to Redeem and Transform People Involved in Homosexualit
How does God redeem and transform people involved in homosexuality? I believe that God does this work of redemption and transformation by calling our attention to the real problem faced by all human beings, by dealing effectively with this real...