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Effective Partnerships: Understanding the Hopes, Needs, and Goals
Dr Norberto Saracco, Director of the International Faculty of Theological Schools, provides remarks on the topic of ‘Effective Partnerships: Understanding the Needs, Hopes, and Goals’ during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological...

The Challenge of Brain Drain within Theological Education
Rev Dr Chris Wright, International Director of Langham Partnerships International, frames the issue of ‘The Challenge of Brain Drain within Theological Education’ during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education, held at...

The Challenge of Brain Drain within Theological Education
Dr Davi Gomes, President of Andrew Jumper Presbyterian Post-Graduate Center, provides remarks on ‘The Challenge of Brain Drain within Theological Education’ during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education, held at...

The Challenge of Brain Drain within Theological Education
Dr Douglas McConnell, Provost and Senior VP of Fuller Theological Seminary, provides remarks on ‘The Challenge of Brain Drain within Theological Education’ during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education, held at...

The Challenge of Brain Drain within Theological Education
Dr Victor Nakah, Regional Director for Overseas Council, provides remarks on ‘The Challenge of Brain Drain within Theological Education’ during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education, held at Gordon-Conwell Theological...

The Role of Theological Education in Global Mission
Dr Wonsuk Ma, Executive Director of Oxford Center for Mission Studies, frames the issue of ‘The Role of Theological Education in Global Mission’ during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education, held at Gordon-Conwell...

How to Build a Generation of Leaders - Christlike Leadership
Branko Bjelajac – Showing Christlike leadership means to be a servant leader. Christian leaders should invest their lives more in developing people than in building structures and organisations. For more information go to How to Build a Generation...

How to Build a Generation of Leaders - Summary
Jane Overstreet (USA), of Development Associates International, summarizes the challenges that exist for leadership development. For more information go to How to Build a Generation of Leaders - Summary on the Lausanne Movement website. The above...

Special Ethics for the Last Days – Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care Thomas Schirrmacher
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Special Ethics for the Last Days – Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care on the Lausanne...

The Changing Role of American Seminaries in Global Theological Education
Dr. Ashish Chrispal, Regional Director for Overseas Council, provides remarks on ‘The Changing Role of American Seminaries in Global Theological Education’ during the 2012 Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education, held at...

Impacts of Human Induced Climate Change
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. John Houghton’s presentation is given by Robert White. For more information go to Impacts of Human Induced Climate...

Natural Disasters Robert White
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Natural Disasters on the Lausanne Movement website. The above link opens in a new tab.

Responding to Houghton and White in the Global Context Las Newman
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Responding to Houghton and White in the Global Context on the Lausanne Movement website. The...

Responding to Houghton and White in the Context of the Caribbean Denise Thomas
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Responding to Houghton and White in the Context of the Caribbean on the Lausanne Movement...

Bible Exposition II on Psalm 8 Ed Brown
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Bible Exposition II on Psalm 8 on the Lausanne Movement website. The above link opens in a new...

The Biblical Basis for Creation Care Jonathan Moo
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to The Biblical Basis for Creation Care on the Lausanne Movement website. The above link opens in...

Why Should an Evangelist Plant a Tree? David Bennett
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Why Should an Evangelist Plant a Tree? on the Lausanne Movement website. The above link opens...

Bible Exposition III on Psalm 8 Ed Brown
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Bible Exposition III on Psalm 8 on the Lausanne Movement website. The above link opens in a...

Planetary Boundaries and the Green Economy Paul Cook
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Planetary Boundaries and the Green Economy Paul Cook on the Lausanne Movement website. The...

Wholistic Community Transformation in East Africa Serah Wambua
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Wholistic Community Transformation in East Africa on the Lausanne Movement website. The above...

Bible Exposition IV on Psalm 8 Ed Brown
This presentation was given at the Lausanne Consultation on Creation Care held in Jamaica from 29 October – 02 November 2012. For more information go to Bible Exposition IV on Psalm 8 Ed Brown on the Lausanne Movement website. The above link opens...

Creation Care and the Gospel: Jamaica Call to Action
Two Major Convictions Creation care is indeed a ‘gospel issue within the lordship of Christ’We are faced with a crisis that is pressing, urgent, and that must be resolved in our generation. Our Call to ActionA new commitment to a simple...

Scripture In Mission: Three Major Priorities In Eradicating Bible Poverty
Peter and Angela are busy with their middle-class lives. Next door, Lucy is a Buddhist from East Asia and her housemate is into New Age religious matters. Mma Echu has no Scriptures in her language, and the chief of her village has built a shrine...

That All May Hear
With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. Mk. 4:33 NIV Oral Methods Increase EffectivenessOrality Is Reliance on the Spoken WordThe Bible Anticipates Oral PresentationImplications of Orality for the...

People at Work: Preparing to be the Whole Church
One of the largest ‘unactivated’ peoples’ groups that spans across all nations and continents is the workplace where most of the world’s populations is actively engaged in earning income to support their families. Within all segments of the...

We Have A Problem! – But There Is Hope! – Results of a Survey of 1,000 Christian Leaders from Across the Globe
We have a leadership problem! And it is a problem that must be solved in order for World Evangelization to flourish! Too often evangelism is done successfully, a church is planted and begins to flourish, but then a leader is appointed who sadly...

Truth Matters, Stand Up for Truth
Those of us who live in Asia have for centuries lived with the reality of cultural plurality in general and religious plurality in particular. Yes, we have lived with plurality, but not pluralism. Pluralism has never been an option. Whether you are...

Kingdom Stewardship
Equipping Disciples, Mobilizing Resources, and Utilizing Technology to Advance God’s Mission in the WorldKingdom Stewardship: Christ-Centered Steward DiscipleshipKingdom Stewardship: Technology and the Internet in the Christ Following World For...

Media Messages Matter: Christ, Truth, and the Media
Media and technology: introductory reflectionsFrom media and technology to media messages matter Media messages matter: a missional frameworkEnabling media engagement: gospel truth and truth criteria as a foundationEncountering media messages: the...

Calling the Church Back to Humility, Integrity and Simplicity
The Lausanne Covenant is wonderfully balanced in the way it binds together two dimensions of Christian confession. On the one hand there is the confession of faith – that is, affirming the great truths of our biblical faith. On the other hand...