Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly Reached Population: 23,182,000 % Literacy: 41.00 Primary Religion: Islam Professing Christian: 21.17 % Evangelical: 10.60 Official Language:...

Burkina Faso (Operation World)
Largest Religion: Muslim Number People Groups: 81 Number Languages: 70 Official Language: French, spoken by a minority of the population. Trade languages Moore (the Mossi language), Jula in south and west For more...

Burkina Faso (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups: Mossi (Moshi), Jula (Dyula), Gurma (Gourmance), Bissa (Bisa), Gurma Fulani (Fulbe) GDP Per Capita: $2,200 Literacy Rate: 39.3% Unreached:...

Burkina Faso (World Factbook website)
Area: 274,200 Population: 20,835,401 July 2020 est. Life Expectancy: 62.70 Net migration rate: -0.60 2020 est. GDP (real growth rate): 6.40 2017 est. Internet Users: 3,158,834 For more...

Burkina Faso (WorldBank)
NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator. COMMUNICATION2021 24,678,315 Mobile cellular subscriptions2021 22 Individuals using the...

Burkina Faso flag
·Type: Images ·Collection: World Factbook country flags ·Small size: 81 x 54 px ·Large size: 453 x 302 px ·Categories: Country :: Burkina Faso Collection :: World Factbook country flags Partners :: U.S....

Burkina Faso map (World Factbook)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Burkina Faso (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 329x353 px, portrait ·Categories: Type :: Maps...

Burkina Faso map (World Factbook, modified)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Burkina Faso (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size:...

Hidden Sicite People of Burkina Faso
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: Geography from GMMS 2006 Language locations from World Language Mapping System 2006 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Reaching Africa (GMMS 2007)...

The Sicite People of Burkina Faso
·Type: Maps ·Description: Location of Sicite People in Burkina Faso ·Map Date: 1999 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Reaching Africa (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches,...

The Sicite People of Burkina Faso (BW)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Location of Sicite People in Burkina Faso ·Map Date: 2002 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Reaching Africa (WorldVue 2002) ·Size: 8½ x 11 Inches,...

Algerian, Arabic-speaking in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 24,000 Affinity Bloc: Arab World People Cluster: Arabic, Algerian People Name Across Countries: Algerian, Arabic-speaking Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Bambara in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 7,500 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Bamanankan People Name Across Countries: Bambara Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Batonu, Baruba in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 30,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Baatonum People Name Across Countries: Batonu, Baruba Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Biali in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 3,800 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Biali People Name Across Countries: Biali Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions Percent...

Birifor, Northern in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 255,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Birifor, Malba People Name Across Countries: Birifor, Northern Primary Religion: Ethnic...

Ble, Jalkunan in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 2,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Jalkunan People Name Across Countries: Ble, Jalkunan Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Bobo Fing in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 78,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Konabere People Name Across Countries: Bobo Fing Primary Religion: Ethnic...

Bobo Madare in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 283,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Bobo Madare, Southern People Name Across Countries: Bobo Madare Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Bolon in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 37,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Bolon People Name Across Countries: Bolon Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Bozo, Tige in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 3,700 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Bozo, Tieyaxo People Name Across Countries: Bozo, Tige Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Buamu in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 419,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Buamu People Name Across Countries: Buamu Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions Percent...

Busanga in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 696,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Bisa People Name Across Countries: Busanga Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions Percent...

Bwamu, Laa Laa in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 134,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Bwamu, Laa Laa People Name Across Countries: Bwamu, Laa Laa Primary Religion: Ethnic...

Bwamu, Twi in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 48,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Bwamu, Cwi People Name Across Countries: Bwamu, Twi Primary Religion: Ethnic...

Dagaari Dioula, Wala in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 42,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Dagaari Dioula People Name Across Countries: Dagaari Dioula, Wala Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Dagara in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Minimally ReachedPopulation: 386,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Dagara, Northern People Name Across Countries: Dagara Primary Religion: Ethnic...

Deaf in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Minimally ReachedPopulation: 233,000 Affinity Bloc: Deaf People Cluster: Language unknown People Name Across Countries: Deaf Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Dogon, Jamsay in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Minimally ReachedPopulation: 600 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Dogon, Jamsay People Name Across Countries: Dogon, Jamsay Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Dogon, Tomo Kan in Burkina Faso (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 26,000 Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples People Cluster: Dogon, Tomo Kan People Name Across Countries: Dogon, Tomo Kan Kan Primary Religion: Ethnic...