
Crisis Relief Team Departs for Turkey
·Type: Documents ·Date: 20 August 1999 ·Authors: Mark Neuenschwander, Luis Bush ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Track Reports ·Pages: 1 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Topic ::...

Is Turkey, Gateway to Asia, Opening or Closing? (Missio Nexus)
Turkey is a key gateway between Asia and Europe, but is the door opening or closing? The answer is complex but worth diving in and exploring. Take some time to go in-depth into Turkey’s demographics, relationship with Christianity and current...

Turkey (Operation World)
Largest Religion: Muslim Number People Groups: 67 Number Languages: 45 Official Language: Turkish For more information go to Turkey on the Operation World website. The above link opens in a new tab.

Turkey (Prayercast)
Government: Presidential Republic Major People Groups: Kurdish, Turkish, Other Minorities GDP Per Capita: $34,400 Literacy Rate: 96.7% Unreached: 99.1% Population:...

Turkey (World Factbook website)
Area: 783,562 Population: 82,017,514 July 2020 est. Life Expectancy: 75.70 Net migration rate: -4.30 2020 est. GDP (real growth rate): 0.98 2019 est. Internet Users: 57,725,143 For more...

Turkey (WorldBank)
NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator. COMMUNICATION2022 90,297,565 Mobile cellular subscriptions2022 83 Individuals using the...

Turkey flag
·Type: Images ·Collection: World Factbook country flags ·Small size: 81 x 54 px ·Large size: 453 x 302 px ·Categories: Collection :: World Factbook country flags Country :: Turkey Partners :: U.S. Government...

Turkey map (World Factbook)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Turkey (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 634x324 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps Continent/Region...

Turkey map (World Factbook, modified)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Turkey (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 634x324...

Where should we send our missionaries in Southeastern Turkey?
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2003 ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2003 ·Size: 8½ by 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps Topic :: Strategy Country :: Turkey Partners :: Global Mapping...

Zaza-Dimli in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Unreached Population: 85,679,000 % Literacy: 96.00 Primary Religion: Islam Professing Christian: 0.56 % Evangelical: 0.04 Official Language: Turkish Peoples...

Abaza in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 14,000 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: Abaza People Name Across Countries: Abaza Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Abkhaz in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 167,000 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: Abkhaz People Name Across Countries: Abkhaz Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Adyghe in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 359,000 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: Adyghe People Name Across Countries: Adyghe Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Afghani, general in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 185,000 Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples People Cluster: Dari People Name Across Countries: Afghani, general Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Alawite in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 564,000 Affinity Bloc: Arab World People Cluster: Arabic, Levantine People Name Across Countries: Alawite Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Albanian in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Minimally ReachedPopulation: 2,900 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: Albanian, Gheg People Name Across Countries: Albanian Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Americans, U.S. in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 13,000 Affinity Bloc: North American Peoples People Cluster: English People Name Across Countries: Americans, U.S. Primary Religion:...

Arab, Iraqi in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 324,000 Affinity Bloc: Arab World People Cluster: Arabic, Mesopotamian People Name Across Countries: Arab, Iraqi Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Arab, Lebanese in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 13,000 Affinity Bloc: Arab World People Cluster: Arabic, Levantine People Name Across Countries: Arab, Lebanese Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Arab, North Iraqi in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 590,000 Affinity Bloc: Arab World People Cluster: Arabic, North Mesopotamian People Name Across Countries: Arab, North Iraqi Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Arab, Syrian in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 105,000 Affinity Bloc: Arab World People Cluster: Arabic, Levantine People Name Across Countries: Arab, Syrian Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Armenian in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 69,000 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: Armenian, Western People Name Across Countries: Armenian Primary Religion:...

Assyrian in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 29,000 Affinity Bloc: Arab World People Cluster: Assyrian Neo-Aramaic People Name Across Countries: Assyrian Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Azerbaijani, Azeri Turk in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 69,000 Affinity Bloc: Turkic Peoples People Cluster: Azerbaijani, South People Name Across Countries: Azerbaijani, Azeri Turk Primary Religion: Islam Percent...

Bosniak in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 115,000 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: Bosnian People Name Across Countries: Bosniak Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

British in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Partially ReachedPopulation: 17,000 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: English People Name Across Countries: British Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Bulgarian in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: Superficially ReachedPopulation: 16,000 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: Bulgarian People Name Across Countries: Bulgarian Primary Religion: Christianity Percent...

Chechen in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 114,000 Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples People Cluster: Chechen People Name Across Countries: Chechen Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...

Deaf in Türkiye (Turkey) (Joshua Project)
Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 429,000 Affinity Bloc: Deaf People Cluster: Turkish Sign Language People Name Across Countries: Deaf Primary Religion: Islam Percent Adherents:...