
(image for) Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Significantly Reached  Population: 126,223,000  % Literacy: 52.00  Primary Religion: Christianity  Professing Christian: 58.37  % Evangelical: 17.98  Official Language:...
(image for) Ethiopia (Operation World)

Ethiopia (Operation World)

Largest Religion: Christian  Number People Groups: 113  Number Languages: 88  Official Language: Amharic; majority of the population are able to speak it; English widely taught. Regional languages are very important For...
(image for) Ethiopia (Prayercast)

Ethiopia (Prayercast)

Government: Federal Parliamentary Republic  Major People Groups: Amhara, Ittu, Tulama, Somali, Wallega  GDP Per Capita: $2,300  Literacy Rate: 51.8%  Unreached: 28.9%  Population:...
(image for) Ethiopia (World Factbook website)

Ethiopia (World Factbook website)

Area: 1,104,300  Population: 108,113,150 July 2020 est.  Life Expectancy: 67.50  Net migration rate: -0.20 2020 est.  GDP (real growth rate): 10.90 2017 est.  Internet Users: 19,118,470 For more...
(image for) Ethiopia (WorldBank)

Ethiopia (WorldBank)

NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator. COMMUNICATION2022  69,123,028  Mobile cellular subscriptions2021  17  Individuals using the...
(image for) Ethiopia flag

Ethiopia flag

·Type: Images ·Collection: World Factbook country flags ·Small size: 95 x 54 px ·Large size: 529 x 302 px ·Categories: Collection :: World Factbook country flags Country :: Ethiopia Partners :: U.S. Government...
(image for) Ethiopia map (World Factbook)

Ethiopia map (World Factbook)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Ethiopia (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 328x351 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps Continent/Region...
(image for) Ethiopia map (World Factbook, modified)

Ethiopia map (World Factbook, modified)

·Type: Maps ·Description: Ethiopia (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 328x351...
(image for) Persecution causes Amazing Growth in Ethiopian Church

Persecution causes Amazing Growth in Ethiopian Church

·Type: Documents ·Date: 17 February 1999 ·Authors: Editors at ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Regional/Country Reports ·Pages: 2 ·Categories: Type :: Documents...
(image for) The Move of God in Ethiopia

The Move of God in Ethiopia

·Type: Documents ·Date: 20 April 1998 ·Authors: Luis Bush ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Regional/Country Reports ·Pages: 4 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Topic :: Strategy...
(image for) Girl / Ethiopia

Girl / Ethiopia

·Type: Images ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Ethiopia Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Ethiopia Type :: Images ::...
(image for) Inside Of Church / Ethiopia

Inside Of Church / Ethiopia

·Type: Images ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Country :: Ethiopia Topic :: Religions, Christianity :: Adherents, Churches, and Denoms Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country...
(image for) Man In Market / Ethiopia

Man In Market / Ethiopia

·Type: Images ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Ethiopia Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Ethiopia Type :: Images ::...
(image for) Man In Market / Ethiopia

Man In Market / Ethiopia

·Type: Images ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Ethiopia Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Ethiopia Type :: Images ::...
(image for) Man In Market / Ethiopia

Man In Market / Ethiopia

·Type: Images ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Ethiopia Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Ethiopia Type :: Images ::...
(image for) Woman At Market / Ethiopia

Woman At Market / Ethiopia

·Type: Images ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Ethiopia Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Ethiopia Type :: Images ::...
(image for) Woman At Market / Ethiopia

Woman At Market / Ethiopia

·Type: Images ·Collection: YWAM-John Fries ·Categories: Topic :: Peoples, multiple or unknown Country :: Ethiopia Collection :: YWAM-John Fries Partners :: YWAM-John Fries Topic :: Images: Country :: Ethiopia Type :: Images ::...
(image for) ’abeena in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

’abeena in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 95,000  Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa Peoples  People Cluster: Alaba-’abeena  People Name Across Countries: ’abeena  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent...
(image for) Aari in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Aari in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 521,000  Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa Peoples  People Cluster: Aari  People Name Across Countries: Aari  Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions  Percent...
(image for) Afar in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Afar in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 2,155,000  Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa Peoples  People Cluster: Afar  People Name Across Countries: Afar  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent Adherents:...
(image for) Alaba in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Alaba in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 419,000  Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa Peoples  People Cluster: Alaba-’abeena  People Name Across Countries: Alaba  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent...
(image for) Americans, U.S. in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Americans, U.S. in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 2,300  Affinity Bloc: North American Peoples  People Cluster: English  People Name Across Countries: Americans, U.S.  Primary Religion:...
(image for) Amhara in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Amhara in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Superficially ReachedPopulation: 25,841,000  Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa Peoples  People Cluster: Amharic  People Name Across Countries: Amhara, Ethiopian  Primary Religion:...
(image for) Amhara, Wollo in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Amhara, Wollo in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 6,492,000  Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa Peoples  People Cluster: Amharic  People Name Across Countries: Amhara, Wollo  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent...
(image for) Anuak in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Anuak in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Significantly ReachedPopulation: 171,000  Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples  People Cluster: Anuak  People Name Across Countries: Anuak  Primary Religion: Christianity  Percent...
(image for) Arab in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Arab in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Minimally ReachedPopulation: 2,100  Affinity Bloc: Arab World  People Cluster: Arabic, Levantine  People Name Across Countries: Arab  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent Adherents:...
(image for) Arab, Sudanese in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Arab, Sudanese in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 22,000  Affinity Bloc: Arab World  People Cluster: Arabic, Sudanese  People Name Across Countries: Arab, Sudanese  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent Adherents:...
(image for) Arab, Yemeni in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Arab, Yemeni in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 6,200  Affinity Bloc: Arab World  People Cluster: Arabic, T’izzi-Adeni  People Name Across Countries: Arab, Yemeni  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent...
(image for) Arbore in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Arbore in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 12,000  Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa Peoples  People Cluster: Arbore  People Name Across Countries: Arbore  Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions  Percent...
(image for) Argobba in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Argobba in Ethiopia (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: UnreachedPopulation: 226,000  Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa Peoples  People Cluster: Argobba  People Name Across Countries: Argobba  Primary Religion: Islam  Percent Adherents:...
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