Palestine (Gaza Strip/West Bank)

Gaza Strip (World Factbook website)
Area: 360 Population: 1,918,221 July 2020 est. Life Expectancy: 74.90 Net migration rate: -4.70 2020 est. GDP (real growth rate): -15.20 2014 est. Internet Users: 2,673,000 est. For more...

Gaza Strip and West Bank (Prayercast)
Government: Provisional Major People Groups: Palestinian Arab, Jew GDP Per Capita: $6,220 Literacy Rate: 97.5% Unreached: 98.9% Population: 1,957,062 Religions: Muslim,...

Gaza Strip map (World Factbook)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Gaza Strip (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 328x352 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps...

Gaza Strip map (World Factbook, modified)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Gaza Strip (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size:...

West Bank (World Factbook website)
Area: 5,860 Population: 2,900,034 July 2020 est. Life Expectancy: 75.90 Net migration rate: -4.20 2020 est. GDP (real growth rate): 5.30 2014 est. Internet Users: 2,673,000 est. For more...

West Bank and Gaza (WorldBank)
NOTE: The most recent year's information is shown below. Click on the year to see all years for this indicator. COMMUNICATION2022 4,387,756 Mobile cellular subscriptions2022 89 Individuals using the...

West Bank map (World Factbook)
·Type: Maps ·Description: West Bank (Factbook) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 330x715 px, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps...

West Bank map (World Factbook, modified)
·Type: Maps ·Description: West Bank (World Factbook, modified to add country name) ·Map Date: 2007 ·Producer: US Government modified by Joshua Project ·Collection: World Factbook country maps ·Size: 330x715...