Evangelism and Church Planting

A Light in the Darkness - Christian Denominations
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 15 December 2004 ·Data Source: Patrick Johnstone, Operation World ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Projects 2004 ·Size: 20 by 36 inches, landscape...

Mapping and Mission Information
Importance of research and mapping for Church planting strategy. Looks at types of data which are helpful to find and collect and questions to ask. A number of maps are included which show data about churches in a country or an area. ·Date:...

State of the Gospel Presentation (YLG 2006)
·Type: Maps ·Description: Jason Mandryk's State of the Gospel presentation from the 2006 Younger Leader's Gathering (YLG) in Malysia. Video, Audio, and PowerPoint versions of the presentation are available. ·Date: 2006...

Status of Global Evangelization 2004
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 13 April 2004 ·Data Source: PeopleGroups.org ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Projects 2004 ·Size: 36 by 92 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps...

Where Does the Gospel Need to be Preached in NW Thailand?
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2003 ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2003 ·Size: 8½ by 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps Topic :: Strategy Country :: Thailand Partners :: Global Mapping...

Why Use GIS in Mission
Powerpoint showing why mapping (GIS) is useful in research and missions. Different styles of thematic mapping are shown. Slides 19 - 45 are meant to automatically advance giving the impression of an animation (Percent Christian growing every five...

Картирование и данные о миссионерстве
Важность исследований и составления карт для стратегии насаждения церквей. Рассматривает типы данных, которые полезно найти и собрать,...