
Birth Rates throughout the World
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: The World Factbook, 2006 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Factbook (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type...

Births Attended by Medical Personnel
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: UNICEF, 2003 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type ::...

Children and Low Birthweight
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: UNICEF, 2003 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type ::...

Children and Stunting
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: UNICEF, 2003 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: General World Maps (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type ::...

Coronavirus in Multiple Languages (Prayercast)
The COVID-19 coronavirus is impacting almost every corner of the globe. Its massive reach, spread, and death toll has earned it the title of a “pandemic.” Multiple Languages Arabic subtitles Korean CHINESE (simplified) subtitles CHINESE...

Ebola (Prayercast)
The Ebola virus outbreak that began in December 2013 is by far the worst in history, claiming over 11,000 lives in West Africa. While we praise God that the rate of infection is abating, the disease is not eradicated, and its after-effects are...

HIV Prevalence Rates throughout the World
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: The World Factbook, 2006 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Factbook (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type...

HIV Prevelence
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: ·Producer: GMI ·Collection: Projects 2006 ·Size: 3509 by 2481 pixels, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps Continent/Region :: World Topic ::...

HIV/AIDS in Africa 1997 - 2001
·Type: Maps ·Description: A comparison of AIDS/HIV prevalence rates in Africa in the years 1997 an ·Map Date: 2004 ·Data Source:; Confronting AIDS: Public Priorities in a Global Epidemic (World Bank);...

Number of People Living with HIV
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: June 2007 ·Data Source: World Factbook 2006 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Projects 2007 ·Size: 8 1/2 x 11, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps Topic ::...

Polio (Prayercast)
Polio was feared around the world prior to Jonas Salk developing a vaccine in 1952. It rose to pandemic levels across Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand in the first half of the 20th century. The highly infectious disease primarily...
Target Earth
·Type: Maps ·Description: The necessity of diversity in a holistic perspective on world mission ·Date: 1989 ·General Editor: Frank Kaleb Jansen ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Target...

The Contribution of Christian Cong to HIV/AIDS Battle (Exec Sum)
·Full title: The Contribution of Christian Congregations to the Battle with HIV/AIDS at the Community Level ·Date: 23 May 2005 ·Author: Stan Nussbaum ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Pages: 2 ·Note:...

The Contribution of Christian Cong to HIV/AIDS Battle (Full Rep)
·Full title: The Contribution of Christian Congregations to the Battle with HIV/AIDS at the Community Level (full report) ·Date: 23 May 2005 ·Author: Stan Nussbaum ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Pages: 75...

The Scourge of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa
·Type: Documents ·Date: 21 July 1999 ·Authors: Luis Bush ·Producer: AD2000 and Beyond Movement ·Collection: Regional/Country Reports ·Pages: 3 ·Categories: Type :: Documents Continent/Region ::...

Which Countries are Most Affected by HIV?
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: The World Factbook, 2006 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Factbook (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type...

Which Countries are Most Devastated by HIV?
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: 2006 ·Data Source: The World Factbook, 2006 ·Producer: Global Mapping International ·Collection: Factbook (GMMS 2007) ·Size: 8½ x 11 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type...