
(image for) Guatemala (Joshua Project)

Guatemala (Joshua Project)

Progress Scale: Significantly Reached  Population: 18,015,000  % Literacy: 82.00  Primary Religion: Christianity  Professing Christian: 95.30  % Evangelical: 24.96  Official Language:...
(image for) Guatemala (Operation World)

Guatemala (Operation World)

Largest Religion: Christian  Number People Groups: 60  Number Languages: 42  Official Language: Spanish; 23 recognized Amerindian languages For more information go to Guatemala on the Operation World website. The above...
(image for) Guatemala (Prayercast)

Guatemala (Prayercast)

Government: Presidential Republic  Major People Groups: Ladino (Mestizo), Central Quiché, Kekchi, West Central Quiché, West Indian Black  GDP Per Capita: $8,400  Literacy Rate: 80.8%  Unreached:...
(image for) Guatemala (World Factbook website)

Guatemala (World Factbook website)

Area: 108,889  Population: 17,153,288 July 2020 est.  Life Expectancy: 72.40  Net migration rate: -1.70 2020 est.  GDP (real growth rate): 2.80 2017 est.  Internet Users: 10,777,827 For more...
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