Total Population Classified by Percent Evangelical (animation)

·Type: Video
·Description: Note that file is extremely large (58 megabytes) so expect slow download.
The animation doesn't have a legend, but you can find this information in the pdf file. In short, the heights of the countries correspond to their population. The orange color represents the percent Evangelical of the countries, with the lighter orange a smaller percent and darker orange a larger percent.
·Date: 23 April 2007
·Data Source: Operation World 2001 and World Factbook 2006
·Producer: Global Mapping International
·Collection: Projects 2007
·Duration (H:M:S): 00:00:15:00 (approx)
·Resolution: 1010x641
·Categories: Continent/Region :: World
Topic :: Statistical
Partners :: Global Mapping International
Collection :: GMI Map Collections :: Projects 2007
Topic :: Religions, Christianity :: Adherents, Churches, and Denoms
Type :: Video

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