One Challenge (OC)

Acts Guide the Art of Asking Good Questions (OC)
Let the Book of Acts Guide You in Learning the Art of Asking Good Questions One of the best ways to learn about the church and what God is doing in a country is to ask good questions. Pondering all this, it occurred to the author that the Book of...

Characteristics of High Performing Teams (OC)
What factors build a team’s developmental culture?Strong Interpersonal Relationships.Effective Team LeadersTeam Activities that Build a Developmental CultureFor more information go to Characteristics of High Performing Teams on the OC Research...

Coding an Interview (OC)
Making sense of interviews, focus groups and responses to questionnaires primarily involves the researcher's judgements and categorizations. The process for discovering themes from a text is called "coding." A new researcher may feel overwhelmed at...

Featured Resources (OC)
Each month we will add more resources (highlighting a book, video, brochure, or other resource) from OC associates and partners. Enjoy! Some included resources are: Our StoryPrepare for ImpactLife-Changing Cross-Cultural Friendships31 Days for the...

OC Research
Using Mission Information to Transform Nations...Together! We assist field workers, churches and ministry partners to gather and analyze information to develop effective ministry strategies. OC Research is a department of One Challenge (OC...

OC Research FAQs (OC)
Questions answered include: What is ministry research and how is this different from secular or academic research?Why do research?What is research and what does it have to do with OC ministries?What kinds of research does OC do?What are some...

One Challenge
We SERVE, EQUIP, and CONNECT the body of Christ to TRANSFORM lives, communities, and nations. Caring for Workers through Intentional Programs Latest Ministry Updates For more information go to Home Page on the One Challenge website. The above link...

Podcast (OC)
Listen in to our Prepare for Life Podcast and The Sip! Our Mission with the Prepare for Impact Podcast is to have honest conversations about what is going on in the mission world, answer some of the hard questions and to help guide you through where...

Prepare for Impact (OC)
Your Journey in MissionsWhat We DoResourcesReady To Go? For more information go to Prepare for Impact on website. The above link opens in a new tab.

Research Help Church Leaders Mobilize God's People (OC)
20 Ways Research Can Help Church Leaders Mobilize God’s People for Good Deeds Research can help make community outreach more effective. Research can help make church ministry more fruitful. Research can help make training courses better. Research...

Research Mentoring (OC)
No matter where in the world you might be serving, your ministry may be facing an especially difficult question or obstacle right now. Whatever that thorny issue might be, research mentoring aims to help you cut through it, in full dependence on...

Research that Guides Kingdom Impact (OC)
One thing that makes One Challenge's ministry of research unique is that it holds an integral and explicit part in our stated organizational strategy: “Using Research, Motivation and Training we Mobilize the Christian leaders to reach their...

Research Wiki (OC)
This research wiki provides practical how-to information about missionary field research. Topics included: AfricaBasic Researcher SkillsBiblical Basis for ResearchBibliographyBrazilCase Studiescase studyChurch GrowthChurch PlantingCMIWCoding an...

Resources (OC)
Includes downable files and links: Case StudiesGlobal Data InitiativeGlobal DatabasesInterview GuidesMappingMission Research PublicationsOC Field Research Web SitesPresentationsReportsResearch Forms and SurveysResearch Oriented Web...

Spiritual Formation Resources from Workers of One Challenge
The Holy Spirit is always inviting us to know God more and do the work of becoming who God has designed us to be. On this page, you will find tools for you to grow in your relationship with the Lord. For more information go to Spiritual Formation...

Stories From The Field (OC)
For more information go to Stories from the Field on the One Challenge website. The above link opens in a new tab.

The Power of Information (OC)
What does it take to trigger an effective church-planting movement? Sometimes all it takes is a single piece of paper and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit! Ask the church planters in Brasov county in Romania, and they'll tell you how one piece of...

Understanding the Times, Knowing What to Do (OC)
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the others find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” -- Eric Hoffer How exactly can a mission organization prepare for the future? A key biblical passage that...

What does a mission information worker look like? (OC)
What does a mission information worker look like? (OC) On the outside, there could appear great diversity. A mission information worker could be a man or woman, from any generation, from any nationality. So a mission information worker could be,...