SYNC: See Yourself iN Christ

Moving with Rhythm of the story of the world

How you see yourself (SYNC)
If you See Yourself iN Christ (SYNC), what will you see? A new you who has received some new gifts that give you a new identity and purpose. These are the gifts: Life, Roots, Freedom, Power, Mercy, Honor, Vision. Each gift is a result of what SYNC...

Joining Jesus's campaign team (SYNC)
What is the campaign about?Why would I join it?What would it be like to be part of this campaign team?How do I join it?Why hasn't God finished it yet? For more information go to Joining Jesus's campaign team on the SYNC website. The above link opens...

Just Do It Groups (SYNC)
Got an hour a week to invest in a viral plan to save the world from itself? If so, consider starting your own “Just Do It Group” with 2 or 3 friends. You don't have to register for anything, buy anything, report to anyone, or donate anywhere....

See Yourself iN Christ (SYNC)
SYNC is your chance to get a fresh take on who you are, what you are part of, what you are worth, and what your purpose is. SYNC is about an ancient and ongoing campaign to save the world from itself, a campaign you can join if you haven't already....

The campaign prayer of Jesus (SYNC)
“SYNC us” (or “SYNC me”) means “Sign us up” for the campaign team that Jesus the Messiah leads so the world can be healed, blessed, and connected. “SYNC us” is simply a 21st century way of praying...

The Story of the World (SYNC)
Seven panoramic versions of the story as the Bible tells it (each a 2 min. read) Every social, ethnic, religious, or political group has its own "story of the world," even if it is not compiled into one book like the Bible. You don't understand any...

What is SYNC? (SYNC)
The big idea -- the huge thing God is doingThe whole SYNC process in two words -- "SYNC me!"Two life-long questions for all campaign team membersFor more information go to What is SYNC? on the SYNC website. The above link opens in a new tab.

What we SYNC with (SYNC)
The meanings of SYNC seasons and rhythmsLifeRootsFreedomPowerMercyHonorVisionTo SYNC with the game-changing events means that you take them seriously and personally. As you do, you begin to see how they change the way you have been answering many...