Justin Long

Charts and Infographics (Justin Long)
Justin gives links to Charts and Infographics that he recommends For more information go to Charts and Infographics on Justin Long’s website. The above link opens in a new tab.

Deomai (Justin Long)
Deomai (Greek for “beseech,” as in “Beseech the Lord of the Harvest”) is a 7-day guide to praying for the unreached, based on the events listed in my Weekly Roundup (released each Friday). Deomai comes out each Sunday morning. If...

Essays (Justin Long)
Essays on many different topics including: Urbanization and measuring the remaining task4,141 provincesWhy rapid growth declines as movements increase in sizeUnreached is not unevangelized is not unengaged For more information go to Essays on Justin...

The Weekly Roundup (Justin Long)
275+ issues available For example oundup 275 contains: Top Events The war in Ethiopia could continue for months, or end in weeksXi’s China is closing to the worldSoutheast Asia is once again openingThe minichurch is the latest trend in...