Gospel Recordings Network (GRN)

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(image for) 5fish (GRN)

5fish (GRN)

Download the story of Jesus in your language: All Regions Africa The Americas Asia Europe Oceania
(image for) Audio and Audio-Visual Materials (GRN)

Audio and Audio-Visual Materials (GRN)

GRN have recordings of culturally appropriate, evangelistic and basic teaching material in over 6,000 languages. The recordings come in many different styles, including short Bible stories, evangelistic messages, scripture readings, and songs. To...
(image for) Global Recordings Network (GRN)

Global Recordings Network (GRN)

"Telling the story of Jesus in every language"    The vision of GRN is that people might hear and understand God’s word in their heart language - especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have...
(image for) How to use Audio Visual Resources (GRN)

How to use Audio Visual Resources (GRN)

1: Sharing the Gospel made easy! This article gives an introduction to some of the many different ways these resources can be used. Adult ministry Primary evangelism Basic Discipling Training in evangelism Training and equipping village pastors ...
(image for) Look, Listen and Live (GRN)

Look, Listen and Live (GRN)

All scripts All lesson plans All audio/video Individual scripts, video slideshow and audio: TitleScriptMedia 1. Beginning with GOD (Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham) script slideshow/audio 2. Mighty Men of GOD (Jacob, Joseph, Moses) script...
(image for) Registry Of Dialects (GRN)

Registry Of Dialects (GRN)

This page documents the Registry of Dialects (ROD) of the Harvest Information System (HIS). The function of the Registry of Dialects (ROD) is to Identify specific varieties of given languages (defined by ISO 639-3) that research has determined to...
(image for) Resources for evangelism and Bible teaching (GRN)

Resources for evangelism and Bible teaching (GRN)

GRN has audio and audio-visual materials for evangelism and basic Bible teaching in over 6000 languages and dialects. The simple audio and audio-visual resources speak the truth of God’s word in the heart language of every people group....
(image for) Resources for Short term missions (GRN)

Resources for Short term missions (GRN)

Are you going on a short term mission? Then don’t let language be a barrier! For the full list of resources go here. GRN has resources for short term missions in over 6,000 languages and dialects. They will allow you to share the good news of...
(image for) Resources for Special Purposes (GRN)

Resources for Special Purposes (GRN)

All Special Purpose Resources Using GRN Resources for Seafarers: Ministries to seamen around the world use GRN audio and audiovisual materials on CD, SD cards and smart phones. Ministry to Children: GRN’s stories are well used by adults but...
(image for) Script Library (GRN)

Script Library (GRN)

Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6000 languages and dialects. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources. Scripts are basic guidelines for...
(image for) Tech Depot: training material and technical information (GRN)

Tech Depot: training material and technical information (GRN)

This is a short selection of some of the training material and other technical information GRN has about recording technology and practices. This is made freely available to help missions and indigenous churches in their recording ministries. For...
(image for) The GRN Audio Library (GRN)

The GRN Audio Library (GRN)

Audio Library Since GRN began in 1939, our field recordists have been at work ’capturing’ the minority languages of our world. Our audio library now contains around 6000 languages and dialects. That’s over 1 recorded language per...
(image for) Words of Life (GRN)

Words of Life (GRN)

The Words of Life are GRN’s most recorded messages, and are available in over 5,000 languages. The recordings contain short Bible stories, evangelistic messages and songs, and explain the way of salvation and give basic Christian teaching....
(image for) Written Resources (GRN)

Written Resources (GRN)

All Written ResourcesScript LibrarySunday School Materials and Teaching Resources
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