Missio Nexus

"Net" Worth of Fishers of Men (Missio Nexus)
Which is more on your mind—your "net worth" or your "net" worth, that is, your value for Jesus’ global project of "fishing for men"? Take a moment to explore the financial picture of global Christianity, so full of potential for God’s...

20/20: Progress & Challenges in Africa (Missio Nexus)
Over 20 years since Nelson Mandela’s release from prison have brought significant change to Africa. All over the world there is optimism about progress and new opportunity in Africa. At the same time there are still great challenges that must...

2017 Top Quotes from Missio Nexus
As 2017 comes to a close, we have crafted a year-end Missiographic to help us reflect on many inspiring and thought provoking ideas that have been written about and spoken in the Missio Nexus community over this past year. For more information go to...

2018 By the Numbers (Missio Nexus)
Networks are becoming one of the fastest growing platforms for leaders and practitioners to connect in the global missions community. These networks are leading to the discovery of best practices, new means of sharing information, and cooperative...

2019 Highlights: Year In Review (Missio Nexus)
A year in review: Looking back at the programs, services, and events that have influenced our members this year. For more information go to 2019 Highlights: Year In Review on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

3 Revolutions Impacting Internet Evangelism (Missio Nexus)
The Internet is impacting every area of life. But how is God using the Internet to reach out to those who are seeking Him? Explore three tech revolutions where Christians are on mission in some very exciting ways. For more information go to 3...

30 Years of Connections: Mapping and Missions (Missio Nexus)
As GMI celebrates its 30th Anniversary, it seems like a good time to take a look at the maps that have defined the mission movement over the past 30 years and how those maps have changed. Take a look at 5 key maps that have framed much of the Global...

50 Years of Mission (Missio Nexus)
Certain milestones deserve taking a moment to stop and remember. That is true of the 50th Anniversary of EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly), one of the key publications resourcing missionary practitioners around the globe. Learn about some of the...

7 Stats You Need to Know to Serve the King 2015 (Missio Nexus)
There are so many numbers floating around out in the world today. So what if someone told you that a group of 7 numbers might give you a point of reference for your service to the King of Kings in 2015? That is what this Missiographic is striving to...

A Journey of Opportunity (Missio Nexus)
Following God’s Direction in China As the church in China has grown, its needs have changed. How can outsiders understand, encourage and partner with the church in China? By listening and learning how the church and its needs have changed. For...

A Rich Garden: Non-Clergy Leadership in Africa (Missio Nexus)
Leadership in the Global Church is changing as more people engage in leadership as part of the Body of Christ. Many are pastors, but not all. Take a moment to explore some of the characteristics of non-clergy leadership in Africa. For more...

A Visual Note of Thanks from Missiographics Team (Missio Nexus)
Our team at GMI is so blessed to be able to serve and support your decision making through the Missiographics Service. The idea came out of research we did with those we serve and then the response as we have launched has been incredible. For more...

A Visual Note of Thanks from Team (Missio Nexus)
As Christmas and the New Year quickly approach, we want to take this time to extend a huge Thank You to all of you. We hope that the information provided through our Missiographics this past year has been a huge blessing to you all. For more...

African Proverbs Build Bridges (Missio Nexus)
Local truths can be powerful tools for sharing the Gospel. Explore how God’s wisdom is embedded in the local truths of the world’s people. Then consider how you can share Christ more powerfully and train local believers more effectively...

African Readers Mark Their Place (Missio Nexus)
There is growing opportunity and need for African Christian authors. As you explore the bookmarks on the story of African readership in three specific countries (Kenya, Angola and Central African Republic), consider the opportunities, challenges and...

AIDS: More To Do (Missio Nexus)
In a world full of huge challenges, we all want to declare "Mission Accomplished," check things off our list and move on. Many have done just that with AIDS. But should that be our response? We have made so much progress, but there is still more to...

Ambassadors: Crossing Cultural Distance (Missio Nexus)
What is the cultural distance between two countries? Usually we think more about the physical mileage, but the cultural mileage can be just as significant a barrier to overcome. Explore this concept and learn how to engage across the miles. For more...

Are We Getting Anywhere In Mission? (Missio Nexus)
Christians as a percentage of the world population has changed little. While this may be surprising news, there is good news to be shared. Explore the different signs of growth in the church globally. For more information go to Are We Getting...

As cores das culturas e a luz de Deus (Missio Nexus)
Nós gastamos bastante tempo tentando entender as diferenças entre as culturas. Mas qual o resultado final disso? Quanto mais aprendemos de outras culturas, melhor podemos fazer brilhar o amor de Deus. E também, quando vemos Deus através da nossa...

Brazil: An Emerging Force in Global Mission (Missio Nexus)
As Brazil finds its place on the world’s stage, the Brazilian Church is doing the same. Its vibrant and growing Church is on mission in Brazil and around the world. Explore Brazil’s growth, challenges and its mission movement. For more...

Breaking the Ebola Cycle (Missio Nexus)
The Ebola epidemic in West African countries like Liberia is a terrible tragedy that has captured global attention and response. Explore the cycle of Ebola in Liberia and consider how traditional belief and secular medicine are responding. Then pray...

Buddhism: Beyond Prayer Flags and Statues (Missio Nexus)
What is Buddhism? What do Buddhists really believe? What are the largest Buddhist people groups? How are Buddhists responding to the Gospel around the world? Why should you care about Buddhists coming to faith in Christ? These questions are not easy...

Building a Connected Missions Team (Missio Nexus)
How to Involve Your Congregation to Expand Your Impact Building a missions team around global missions is essential not only to the Church Mission Leader’s personal effectiveness, but to the overall growth and involvement of the congregation....

Canada On Mission (Missio Nexus)
An encouraging look at the current missiological thinking and unique contributions that Canadians are making to global missions in Canada and beyond. For more information go to Canada On Mission on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in...

China: Statistical Highlights (Missio Nexus)
Statistical highlights that give us a glimpse of the current political situation and status of religion in China. For more information go to China: Statistical Highlights on the Mission Nexus website. The above link opens in a new tab.

Christmas Lights on a Tree Fit for a King? (Missio Nexus)
If the global Christian witness were represented as lights on a Christmas tree, what would that tree look like? Would it be the tree that Jesus Christ desires when he returns? Take a look at a Christmas tree that depicts the light shining from...

Coffee Fuels More Than You Imagine (Missio Nexus)
Join us around the table to talk about how coffee fuels so many things in life. But most of all, sitting down for a cup of coffee with friends fuels discussion and the chance to share our faith and spiritual journeys. For more information go to...

COVID-19 Impact – Fall 2020 Update (Missio Nexus)
Every organization has been impacted by the changes that have taken place from the spring of 2020 until now. We compared agency activity and response over the last six months with the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on missions work For more information...

Culture’s Color, God’s Light (Missio Nexus)
We are all aware of the differences between the many cultures of the world. But recently a significant amount of attention has been placed upon broad cultural segments based on differing expressions of people’s essential problem/solution:...

Degrees of Partnership (Missio Nexus)
Partnership is something we long for but often have a difficult time defining. North American churches and organizations are seeking to partner with the global community in ever increasing degrees, yet partnership is often a broad elusive term that...