Africa Map (Coloring in Countries for MANI)
·Type: Maps ·Description: ·Collection: INSERV Maps ·Categories: Type :: Maps Continent/Region :: Africa Topic :: Geography :: Maps Topic :: Movements :: Continental Movements :: Africa Partners :: INSERV

Number of Missionaries from African Countries
·Type: Maps ·Full title: Number of Missionaries from African Countries per Million Population as of 2000 A.D. ·Map Date: February 2008 ·Data Source: Operation World CD 2001 ·Producer: INSERV ·Collection:...

The Provinces and Gateway Cities of Southern Africa
·Type: Maps ·Map Date: February 2008 ·Data Source: Global Mapping International ·Producer: INSERV ·Collection: INSERV Maps ·Size: 39.37 by 59.05 inches, landscape ·Categories: Type :: Maps...